A Very Busy Autumn
We hosted a stream of international guests from a number of nations. Brian was the keynote speaker for the National Mission Conference in Darhan, Mongolia . . .
Imagine his surprise when, in Brian’s first visit to Darhan in three decades (spent three nights showing the Jesus film in 1992) he was greeted by the lead local Mongolian pastor —- an old friend indeed! Shintulag was the first Mongolian friend I made on my first visit. We sat on my hotel balcony and he and his buddy serenaded me with Beetles songs on guitar. He has been faithfully leading God’s flock in Darhan City ever since. What a wonderful reunion we had!
Bayaraa and Brian at YWAM Darhan. My first visit to this base and our home for the conference.
After the conference concluded, I got to go north and see Sukhbaatar and the border with Russia. A special pleasure was speaking at our movement’s daughter church in Sukbaatar. I spent the night in the gher district with no plumbing and a terrible case of “Ghengis Khan’s Revenge”. A lot of running out into the yard in pitch darkness with no clothes in terrible cold. What fun! Whatever doesn’t kill you . . . (makes for a great story. OR didn’t try hard enough!)
After looking over the borderline into Russia, a wonderful young couple drove me all the way to Erdenet. They were adamant that I not go with a hired driver with my guts in revolt. So grateful.
My dear friends Omboo and Nergui (in photo) hosted my time there is royal fashion. Of course, we visited Jedidiah’s grave (following pic) and on the way back into the city stopped for this sign (which reads Erdenet in Cyrillic)
Back in the capital city, a few of our disciples from 1992-1996 gathered at Papa Cafe to catch up with Brian. So proud to see their faithful service to Jesus as major church leaders still going 30 years on! [my shirt refers to my joy at kissing masks goodbye]
A personal highlight for me was my godson, Isaak and his cousin, Tulgaa, begged me to take them to Gobi Sauna (right next door to their apartment). They had never been. They loved the soaking, steaming, being scrubbed, and lying around in hot rooms. So much so they insisted we go again the following evening. What a blast! Louise and I were later was able to finance dental work for Tulgaa (middle) to repair a smile damaged in a gang attack. God is good!
International Thanksgiving
Clockwise from Brian: Baagii house guest from Mongolia, Ibsa – an Ethiopian student, Akhmadjan – Uzbek student, Louise, Ash – Bangladeshi student, and Sansar – Baagii’s partner in Bless Mongolia, a Bible distribution and church multiplication ministry.
Odisha, India Jouney
Our friend, Pranab invited us to his rural home area in eastern India to conduct trainings for disciple makers and healthcare for women. We were greeted so well and fed the most amazing food. We were also the only foreigners we saw for ten days!
Louise’s trainees seemed to be having more fun than mine.
Though all we shared with both groups was much appreciated and we expect it will be implemented —- resulting in Kingdom advance!
Our host family in Bhorpura village. Uncle, Pranab, his sons, B & L and some kid, Malarani and auntie.
Loathe to throw away our fresh marigold garlands, I found some appreciative neighbors to regift them to upon our departure.
Our last two days were spent at Puri Beach. Very crowded but only with Indians. People would pose their children behind us and have pictures taken with the foreigners.
Change of plans
We decided to delay the GAP Gathering we had planned for March in Israel for a year. All those who registered needed substantial financial aid that failed to materialize in time. Brian worked hard applying for grants but the funds were either not available or too delayed in the granting. We decided to regroup and shoot for a year from now.
We have lots of things coming up this spring, so it feels like some extra breathing room as well and United cancelled our tickets at no charge!
Prayers so appreciated
Thanks for remembering us in prayer. We have both contended with more than the usual amount of illness over the last few months. Brian is still dealing with a linger chest cough but nothing beyond that. Praise the Lord.
DMM has been made a partner on a very special project. There are six unreached and engaged people groups in Ch_na that we have been given funds to get things moving in reaching these peoples in darkness. Pray for wisdom and connections. These funds are not ours and we are more of the managers and a pass-through because of the recognition of our mission contacts in the region. Most of the peoples are of Mongolian descent).