Thanks for your interest in partnering up through prayer.
“It is possible to move men, through God, by prayer alone.” – Hudson Taylor
We have a PRAYVINE that sends prayer requests and updates to your phone or computer. This way time-sensitive needs can be shared. PrayVine is great!
Why PrayVine?
Missionaries need—and don’t always receive—consistent spiritual and emotional support from their supporters. But, it’s not for lack of caring. Too often, barriers of time, distance, and inertia prevent closer, more meaningful relationship.
Prayvine seeks to bridge that communications gap by providing missionaries and their supporters a private, digital gathering place to facilitate stronger ministry partnership.
Centered around prayer and online community, Prayvine equips missionaries with the ability to send engaging updates less likely to be lost in the sea of cluttered inboxes, mailboxes, and social media feeds. And, Prayvine gives missionary supporters the tools they need to engage their ministry partners and the broader Church community also supporting them.
Intercede for our Unreached and Unengaged People Groups in China
We have accepted the responsibility to see the Good News proclaimed and disciples made among seven completely UNENGAGED Preoples in China. To achieve this we are:
- raising up intercessors to bring each group before the Lord at least once a week
- Creating handy prayer card sets for partners
- maintaining a webpage for each group with ever-improving data and prayerpoints, and updates on progress.
- mobilizing exploratory teams to research and prayerwalk on site in their tribal homelands
- harnessing and focusing the mission energy and call of the Mongolian church to send long-term workers to start Disciple Making Movements in each of these groups
- raising up intercessors to bring each group before the Lord at least once a week
If you feel the Spirit’s gentle tug on your heart to join with us in bringing these small but precious tribes as a gift to the Lamb that was slain, please click here to equip yourself and begin.
“To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees.” – Billy Graham