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On another note, I (Brian) was recently extensively interviewed by Daniel Hoskins for a study of Disciple Making Movement Catalysts conducted by Bethany Global University. I was surprised to find the process of answering his questions to be personally revelatory. The characteristics shared by Movement Catalysts are amazingly similar and I just came across an article by Emanuel Prinz arriving separately at the same findings.
If you are interested, give this a listen or a read: https://www.catalyticleadership.info/post/the-right-person-or-the-right-method-what-starts-a-movement
The characteristics are listed below:
Prinz presents “a profile of an effective movement catalyst, including eleven traits and competencies self-reported as exhibited by all participating effective catalysts. These are presented in the following table. (Note: the definitions were shaped by some of the catalysts.)”
Hunger for God
Catalysts hunger for depth with God and yearn to love him more deeply; they seek to hear God’s voice and be obedient.
Expectant Faith
Catalysts expect that God will grow a movement among their people group and save many soon, and they have great faith that God will show his power through their lives.
Catalysts feel confident in their spiritual gifts and skills, and exhibit a sense of confidence.
Drive for Responsibility
Catalysts feel responsible for the people they serve and for engaging them with the good news; they are motivated by a sense of responsibility.
Catalysts are reliable and trustworthy; others can depend on them.
Catalysts are tenacious in spite of challenges and amidst difficulties; they don’t give up.
Catalysts empower and enable local people to be the key players, by putting responsibility and authority in their hands from the beginning and by developing their gifts.
Confidence in the Holy Spirit
Catalysts are confident in the Holy Spirit and have faith in him to accomplish his intended work in the life of all God’s children, as they are enabled to obey his commands.
Confidence in the Bible
Catalysts have deep confidence in the Bible to be their CPM (Church Planting Movement) guidebook, and deep assurance in its power to accomplish what God desires.
Influencing Beliefs
Catalysts talk often about their most important values and beliefs, consider the moral consequences of decisions with people, and emphasize the importance of living toward the purpose for which one is created.
For more on this topic, check out the new book Movement Catalysts!

the catalytic qualities that most effective movement catalysts exhibit
best practices on each of the qualities, gleaned from the lives of some of the most fruitful movement catalysts
a free bonus catalyst self-assessment
This is your opportunity to learn from the best! Order your copy now!
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