Feb 2021 Ministry Update


DMM Masthead - Hogan Newsletter

Adjusting to the Uncontrollable

Louise and I are weird. We like change.
We (especially Brian) enjoy all that is new, novel and different. This has been a gift in our calling and in the many places God has taken us in the past 36 years. Human nature tends to dislike change. In this past year we have found that changes we have no choice in, or control over, are, well, vexing. The things we have both enjoyed and found most fruitful in ministry — international travel for face-to-face transformational training, mobilizing in about 65 cities per year in the Western Hemisphere, having people over for intentional Jesus gatherings (and food and board games!) — have all been curtailed or made impossible by the pandemic. I had no idea how annoying I would find this. As a risk taker I find my attitude needs constant guarding or adjustment lest I become a grumbler toward those in (must increased) authority and judging those who live with a higher level of fear.
God is in control. He has allowed the things we love about our life to change. Was it any different for Paul, the traveling church planter, to sit in a Roman prison?
Rather than curse the “cell” we have to embrace the new opportunities. We have not been robbed of the ability to obey Jesus — just thwarted in our ability to do so in the accustomed way. We have been adjusting, with more grousing than necessary, and we will continue to do so. We praise Him for the privilege to carry this ministry in any manner!

Ministry During the Plague


  • Doula work (helping mothers deliver babies)
  • Mentoring young women (on walks and in our yard)
  • Leading in our church’s disciple group
  • Leading in YWAM Frontier Mission’s Next Steps group.
  • Volunteering with:
    • Fayetteville’s 27-7 Prayer Room
    • Beautiful Lives boutique
    • Pre-service Intercession on Sunday
    • Early AM USA intercession group

Both of us:

  • Zoom teaching in a number of Fall and Spring Perspectives classes. Doing it from home allows Louise to share her part of the story.
  • Extensive home repairs after hail storm and kitchen flood (new roof, floors and ceilings).
  • Census 2020. We were both  enumerators — L & B in NW AR and B in Georgia.
  • A much-needed ministry vacation In Oaxaca and Sea of Cortez Mexico where we spent the holidays visiting missionary friends and on the beach. (And finally contracted Covid-19 in the Mexico City airport)

  • Live teaching on site in Ohio, Colorado, Panama and outside Mexico City.
  • Virtual teachings in Colorado, Ecuador, Chile, and for China workers stuck in the USA.
  • Writing Project: Biography of David Hogan, Circuit Rider and Missionary
  • Translation Project: There’s a Sheep in my Bathtub into Mongolian.
  • Board of Directors Meeting for Disciple Making Mentors
  • Consulting on small group formation with our church’s leadership

Panamanian and Tribal YWAM students at YWAM Boquete, Panama

My Sheep Speaks Mongolian

The cover is still in the design lab. Above is one of the mockups.

We are very excited young Mongolian believers contacted us for permission to translate our story into their language. This is something we prayed and hoped for over the past 13 years. The project is nearing completion and we have funds to put a hardback presentation copy into the hands of every church and mission leader in Mongolia!

Left: About to tour the mangrove lagoons.
On Right: Missionary friends Miguel and Becky help us explore a canyon in the Sonoran Desert.

Pacific ocean beach in Oaxaca.


“ON The Move” class in Pachuca, Mexico