Small Group Resources

P.O.E.T.S. Community Group Roles

SCHEDULE September – December 2023

Remember: If you are going to miss on a evening you have a role, find someone to hand-off to from the “FREE/Swappers” list.

If you trade or give away your role, please send a note on our Group SMS Chat.

Also, if given something by the Holy Spirit different from your role for a certain evening:

1.) Reach out to whomever has the matching role for what you have and ask for it (swap roles with them or , if you are roleless, just take it on and give freedom away.)

2.) If it is lengthy and you need extra time — just SMS shout-out. We are flexible and want to follow the Wild Goose (Holy Spirit). We will make room.

GOALS (Regardless of Which you are Doing):

    1.  All-Member Participation

    2.  Simple enough for Newcomers and Pre-Disciples

    3. TIME: Aim for less than 15 minutes for your contribution (so all have a chance).

Ideas for each Role in P.O.E.T.S.

Do anything you want. Be creative. These suggestions are just to prime the mental pump!

Praise (Creative Worship)  Even more Ideas

One Anothers (Ministry in our Giftings)

Eat (Gathering around Food & Lord’s Supper) – for Weekly Host

Talk to God (Prayer)

Scriptures (non-monologue sharing from God’s Word)